Welcome to North Middle School!

North Middle School is and will continue to be a caring, progressive, educational environment where students have the opportunity to develop to their highest potential and become prepared for the next level of education through mastery of academic, social, cultural, and physical endeavors.

cheer tryouts
Fall Picture Order Form
Yearbook Pics order form
Order a yearbook

2024-2025 North Middle School Faculty and Staff

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School Supply List

Gator News

Clipart of little boy sick in the bed
Health Guidelines

With cold and flu season fast approaching, FCSD wants to keep all stakeholders informed of health guidelines for our students. Please see the attached forms in English and Spanish.

Wed Nov 06 09:57 AM

Ms. Eslick and Ms. Jolley looking at a book
Ms. Eslick featured in NIET Magazine!

Franklin Counties own Ms. Holly Eslick was featured in the NIET (National Institute for Excellence in Teaching) magazine this month. We are so proud and fortunate to have her as our leader here at North Middle.

Wed Nov 06 09:56 AM

24-25 Welcome Back with Ms. Eslick and balloons
Welcome Back!

Welcome back to the 24-25 school year!

Wed Nov 06 09:53 AM


Franklin Co. School Board Policy Manual





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